Catholic Charities

Annual Report


Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 2023 annual report for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud. This report serves as a testament to the work you support within our community – from our food shelf to our services for homeless youth and everything in between.

In 2023, we continued to live out our mission – to serve and enhance human dignity for all people – by building community, promoting family life, and providing vital services. Together, we served 45,375 people throughout Central Minnesota by providing food, shelter, clothes, behavioral health services, and more.

The dedication and tireless work of our staff and volunteers is at the core of all we have accomplished this year. At the heart of Catholic Charities is the hundreds of people working every day to make a difference and the thousands who support our work as volunteers, stakeholders, partners and donors. In a year when nonprofits across the country saw declining support, Catholic Charities saw what we’ve always seen; a community unwavering and united in its dedication to serve others.

I invite you to look at what we have accomplished in 2023 and hope that you will be inspired to join us and continue in your support of Catholic charities. Every day, Catholic Charities bears witness to the incredible generosity harvested from the abundant seeds of goodness planted by our community and the people who call this place home. With you by our side, we will continue to serve our neighbors in Central Minnesota and together we will make a different tomorrow. 

With deepest gratitude,

Aaron Fisk, President and CEO

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud

You've helped make a different tomorrow for

people in our community.

Catholic Charities serves and enhances human dignity for people of all faiths and beliefs.

Our programs focus on five areas:



Catholic Charities Service Overview in 2023


volunteers provided 165,383 hours of service


meals were served to seniors aged 60 and older


individuals received supportive living and housing services


pounds of food were provided


volunteers provided 165,384 hours of service


meals were served to seniors aged 60 and older


individuals received supportive living and housing services


pounds of food were provided

Total Revenue & Support: $24,386,871

for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023

Contributions: 38.9%

Grants: 19.7%

Program Service Fees: 34.7%

Other: 3.7%

Behavioral Health Services

Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Services help individuals and families develop and enhance psychiatric stability, social competencies, personal and emotional adjustment, and independent living and community skills.

Granite City Counseling: A Program of Catholic Charities

The Granite City Counseling is an outpatient counseling and behavioral health facility operating in St. Cloud and through satellite sites throughout Central Minnesota.

  • 446 people received support through individual, family and marriage counseling.
  • 159 people received support through the Men’s Domestic Abuse Intervention Program.
  • 2 individuals received parenting capacity assessments.
  • 4 individuals received custody evaluations with co-parenting and child protection concerns.
  • 15 students under age 18 received school counseling services. 

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Hope Community Support Services

The Hope Community Support Program is a friendly, professional program dedicated to helping individuals with mental illness live healthy, productive and independent lives.

  • 240 people with serious and persistent mental illness received support through Hope Community Support Program.

Day Treatment: St. Cloud & Elk River

The Day Treatment programs in St. Cloud and Elk River help students with emotional and behavioral disorders function more successfully in their homes, schools and communities.

  • 49 youth and their families were served by Catholic Charities Day Treatment Program in St. Cloud. 
  • 50 youth and their families were served by Catholic Charities Day Treatment Program in Elk River.

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Community Services

Programs within Catholic Charities Community Services include Emergency Services, Senior Dining and the Central Minnesota Foster Grandparent Program. 

Our national partnerships include Meals on Wheels America for home-delivered meals, AmeriCorps Seniors through its Foster Grandparent Program and the St. Cloud Area Toys for Tots Program in conjunction with the Marine Corps League, Valhalla Detachment.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services provides food, basic everyday essentials and financial assistance to individuals and households in need while helping them become healthier members of the community. 

Food Shelf

The Emergency Services Food Shelf provides access to healthy food for individuals and families faced with missing meals and serves the cities of St. Cloud, St. Augusta, Sartell, Sauk Rapids and Waite Park. Our services, however, are available to anyone who needs them regardless of where they live.

  • 2,068,098 pounds of food were distributed to 14,556 individuals across 4,838 households in Central Minnesota.

Basic Everyday Essentials

The Emergency Services Basic Everyday Essentials program helps those in need of clothing and basic household essentials for daily living.

  • 5,681 individuals across 1,864 households received seasonally- and work-appropriate clothing, bedding, towels, cookware and dinnerware.


Financial Assistance

The Emergency Services Financial Assistance program serves individuals in crisis and helps in identifying additional community resources.

  • 4,013 individuals across 3,152 households received assistance in the form of gas vouchers, bus passes, prescription and medical co-pays, fees for birth certificates and state identification documents and apartment application fees.


Holiday Toy Program: Marine Toys for Tots

Catholic Charities partners with the Marine Corps League, Valhalla Detachment, to provide holiday toys to children in need in conjunction with the Toys for Tots program. Once again, Catholic Charities was able to provide this service to our community while meeting safety protocols with online registration and a curbside delivery of the toys in partnership with the Marines.

  • 1,438 children up to age 18 across 653 households received gifts during the holiday season.

Senior Dining

Catholic Charities is passionate about improving the well-being of our community seniors with programs that include congregate dining, home-delivered hot and frozen meals and frozen meal distributions. 

Congregate Dining

  • 1,814 seniors received 77,465 meals across 19 congregate dining sites.

Hot and Frozen Meals

  • 3,540 seniors were served 312,112 home-delivered hot and frozen meals.

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Foster Grandparent Program

The Central Minnesota Foster Grandparent Program provides a way for volunteers aged 55 and over to stay active by serving children and youth in their communities. Foster Grandparents are role models, mentors and friends to children with exceptional needs.

  • 9,994 children under age 18 received mentoring and support from 195 Foster Grandparents across 88 sites, including schools and day-care facilities. 1,375 of those children are students with special needs.

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Affordable and Transitional Housing

Catholic Charities Affordable and Transitional Housing works to find housing solutions for persons in need, including affordable rental housing and transitional housing for women with children, veterans and single women in a sober environment. 

The Share the Spirit program, coordinated by Affordable Housing staff, matches families who are experiencing hardship during the holiday season with individuals and organizations that wish to help.

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing manages affordable rental housing for eligible households across eight sites in St. Cloud, Holdingford, Melrose, Eden Valley, St. Joseph, Sauk Centre and Richmond.

  • 644 individuals were served through housing management services across 8 rental sites.

Share the Spirit Program

  • 908 individuals across 202 households received gifts during the holiday season through the Share the Spirit program.

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Transitional Housing

Transitional Housing programs—for women with children, veterans and single women, and youth who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness—are voluntary and provide a temporary home and support services to motivated individuals.

Adult Transitional Housing

Adult Transitional Housing is for single women, women with children and veterans experiencing homelessness. Clients are required to be chemical free and work with a case manager to develop a long-term stability plan that helps to remove barriers to permanent housing. 


Domus Transitional Housing is a voluntary program that provides a temporary home and support services to motivated women with custody of children under the age of 12. 

  • 16 single women and their children received transitional housing at Domus while working on a long-term stability plan.



Homeward Transitional Housing is a voluntary program for mothers 18 to 24 years of age and their children. Similar to Domus, women and children live in a shared house, work on goals with an independent living skills counselor, learn self-sufficiency skills and save for a permanent residence of their own.

  • 6 single women and their children received transitional housing at Homeward while working on a long-term stability plan.

Emily's Place

Emily’s Place is a voluntary program that provides a temporary home and support services to motivated, single women in a sober environment. 

  • 8 women received transitional housing at Emily’s Place while working on a long-term stability plan.

Housing Coordination

  • 308 adults with serious and persistent mental illness were assisted in obtaining permanent supportive housing.

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Services for Homeless Youth

Catholic Charities offers a range of services to youth who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness, including temporary housing, mentoring and life skills support.

Supportive Housing for Youth (SHY)

SHY helps homeless youth build stability in their lives, as well as find and maintain affordable housing. 

  • 70 youth ages 16 to 24 were offered housing counseling and financial assistance.

Youth House

Youth House is a home that is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, where youth ages 16 to 24 can live without time limits.

  • 22 youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness committed themselves to positive change while living at Youth House.

Street Outreach

Many young adults in crisis find their way on a successful path with the help of our street outreach worker.

  • 544 youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness were provided education, referrals, community resources, basic needs and supplies.

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Supportive Living Services

Catholic Charities provides housing solutions for persons living with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and serious and persistent mental illness, as well as financial and housing counseling and in-home services for persons with disabilities to help keep individuals and families in their homes.

In-Home Services for Persons with Disabilities

The In-Home Program serves persons with developmental disabilities and brain injuries, helping with the development and reinforcement of personal care and daily living skills. Staff work on skills one-on-one, in group settings, in the community and in the homes of those served.

  • 74 individuals were served through our In-Home Program.

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Residential Homes for Persons with Disabilities

Residential Homes for Persons with Disabilities provides specialized care to adults living with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and serious and persistent mental illness.

  • 21 individuals living with developmental disabilities received housing and specialized care across 5 adult foster care facilities.
  • 7 individuals living with physical challenges received housing and specialized care at Catholic Charities OASIS Home, an adult foster care facility.
  • 8 adults living with severe and persistent mental illness were provided housing at St. Margaret’s and St. Michael’s Adult Foster Care Homes.
  • 37 adults living with severe and persistent mental illness received housing and supportive services at St. Elizabeth’s Board and Lodging.

Financial and Housing Counseling

Financial and Housing Counseling helps keep people in their homes and maintain a safe place for their families to live. 

  • 472 individuals received financial and housing counseling services, including mortgage foreclosure and reverse mortgage counseling, financial literacy education, MNsure navigation, rental counseling, home maintenance and financial management, & checkbook service.

Social Concerns

Catholic Charities Social Concerns implements ongoing support of parish social ministry within the 16 counties of the Diocese of St. Cloud. The program educates and advocates at the local, state and national levels on legislative issues relevant to the teachings of the Catholic Church, provides support and resources to farm families and rural communities and leads activities for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in the Diocese of St. Cloud.

  • 664 individuals received ongoing support for Parish Social Ministry.
  • 390 individuals received support from our immigrant and refugee community organizers.
  • An additional 1,948 individuals were involved in presentations, meetings and retreats, including 900 who attended the Rural Life Celebration. 

The 3,002 people supported by Social Concerns are not included in the 45,375 people served by Catholic Charities in 2023.

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