Much like all of us since March 2020, the Central Minnesota Foster Grandparent Program has had a unique year.
Covid-19 sidelined many of our volunteers and left them looking for something meaningful to take part in while they were staying safe in their homes throughout the peak of the pandemic. Luckily, they were able to partner with Ms. Opatz's 6th grade classroom at All Saints Academy, St. Cloud, as Pen Pals.
The letters started going out in December 2020, beginning with our volunteers introducing themselves and their interests, and the students responding back after Christmas vacation, sharing the same information. Although the letters varied between volunteers and students, the one thing every student and volunteer agreed with was that they all looked forward to writing and receiving them.
One volunteer found the book series their pen pal was interested in, and then read the series so that they could write about their favorite parts of the book and what they thought was going to happen, or maybe what should have happened.
What was especially meaningful about the Pen Pal program is it was done without electronics devices; that is, the "old school" way. Wait! What? Does that still even happen? Stamps, handwriting, letter paper, envelopes and USPS delivery—this was how our volunteers and students communicated and received letters.
On Friday, May 21, the volunteers and students were able to meet in person at the park outside of the school building, and it was a great visit for all. Many students and volunteers even asked if they would be able to keep in touch after this year!
All Saints Academy and the Foster Grandparent Program are looking into continuing this tradition because it was so well received by all involved.