The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Church. As part of the Office of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, CCHD works to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities.
Through poverty education, as well as national and local grants within each Catholic diocese of the U.S., CCHD is able to help improve communities in the unique ways that each of them needs, rather than a nation-wide program for all dioceses that may or may not be addressing the most relevant needs of that particular area. All CCHD-funded organizations must adhere to Catholic moral teachings, and are vetted through their local CCHD diocesan director (Catholic Charities) and local bishop, as well as the national Bishops Council. CCHD strives to amplify the voices of the poor in identifying long-term solutions to poverty. The organization also works to lift up the voice of the Church by involving Catholic faithful and parish and diocesan leaders in supporting, educating and participating in grassroots social change.
In a recent letter to diocesan leaders, Ralph McCloud, director of the CCHD, stated, “Nearly 50 years ago, the bishops of the United States founded the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. As preparations were underway to find ways to address poverty in the United States, Cardinal Dearden of Detroit said, ‘We do not intend to set up a program in any patronizing or paternalistic way that tells people what they need and provides it to them. We want to know what they need. . . . They will need to tell us.’ In the months that followed the bishops worked together with consultants and organizers to develop what has become the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Through the years we have witnessed the work of CCHD time and time again, empowering people living in poverty, strengthening social justice work in communities across the country, and educating people of all ages about poverty and its roots causes.”
This year marks the 50th anniversary of CCHD helping communities to create jobs and affordable housing, improve education, increase access to needed resources, and find solutions to local problems and ways to improve the lives of those experiencing poverty, ranging from the elderly to new mothers to immigrants and other most vulnerable members of our communities.
The mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud is to serve and enhance human dignity of people of all faiths and beliefs. Through our collaboration with the CCHD and those who support it, we are able to help meet the needs of those living with poverty, and enhance their dignity by raising their voices and leadership within our communities.
More than 38 million people in the U.S. are living below the poverty line (approximately $245 per week for an individual, and $500 per week for a family of four, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). An additional 100 million people across the country are living in “near poverty,” and within the St. Cloud Diocese, an average of 10% of our community members are in poverty. The need for CCHD is as important as ever.
Meanwhile, this anniversary is happening all while communities are facing the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For all in our communities, this year has been and will continue to be one that unfortunately pushes more families into economic distress, and those already experiencing hardship further into poverty. CCHD’s 50th anniversary is an opportunity to not only commemorate five decades of transformative work, but to reengage the Church in the work to address poverty’s root causes and strengthen all our community members, especially those on the margins.
“Because of people like you,” says McCloud, “CCHD has touched countless lives. On behalf of those lives, I thank you for your support and dedication!”
Parishes throughout the Diocese of St. Cloud will take up a special collection in support of the work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development the weekend of September 19–20, 2020. To make a donation, return the envelope found in your parish packet, or send your donation marked “CCHD” to your parish office or directly to the Chancery at: PO Box 1248, St. Cloud MN 56302.