Catholic Charities Find a Way initiative, a community donation matching challenge developed and powered by the Inventure Foundation, St. Cloud, exceeded its $40,000 fundraising goal in the month of May and raised a total of $44,685.
The novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has created an evolving situation with varied impacts around the world, across the states and right here in Central Minnesota. The campaign match was kick-started by Doug Boser, president and CEO of Inventure Properties, St. Cloud, as a way for local businesses and individuals to support Catholic Charities, one of the largest emergency service providers in Central Minnesota.
The Inventure Foundation called their pledge “Find a Way,” and invited the Central Minnesota community to find a way to support trust, find a way to offer compassion, find a way to give stability and find a way to offer hope.
“The idea for the Find a Way initiative came to me in a time of uncertainty and nervousness in our community and across the world, and the Inventure Foundation wanted to help in a way that not only made a meaningful impact but also left a lasting impression on as many people as possible,” said Doug Boser, President and CEO of Inventure Properties, St. Cloud. “So much of what Catholic Charities does for the Central Minnesota community is extremely important work that happens behind the scenes, like providing food for persons in need, and advocating for social justice and change. Today, Catholic Charities programs and services are needed more than ever. Like many individuals and businesses, the Inventure Foundation is proud to partner with and support Catholic Charities. And collectively we did ‘find a way’ to help our community.”
“Where do we begin to say thank you for creating the Find a Way initiative that supports our organization by helping raise additional financial support for Catholic Charities?,” said Steve Pareja, executive director, Catholic Charities. “We’re thankful to Doug Boser and the Inventure Foundation for recognizing that Catholic Charities and the community we serve continues to face a hardship during this critical time, and the Find a Way initiative helps ensure our ability to provide important services in our community. I think about what Inventure Properties, Inventure Foundation and Catholic Charities have in common: we build up communities. Thank you for helping to ‘Find a Way’ to support Catholic Charities in building up our community.”
Learn more about the Find a Way Initiative by watching this two-minute video. Donate at , and designate your gift to the Find a Way initiative.
About the Inventure Foundation
Founded in 2020, the Inventure Foundation is the private foundation of Inventure Properties, St. Cloud. Inventure is a multi-disciplinary commercial real estate developer specializing in thoughtfully designed properties that add long-term value to their clients and the communities in which their buildings stand. Utilizing local subcontractors, suppliers and professional service providers within the cities they work, their team is collaborative and committed to delivering a high quality, full-service development experience that extends well beyond project completion.
About Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud is a nonprofit organization that works to build communities, promote family life and enhance human dignity by providing quality services to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals and families of all faiths and beliefs.