Bethlehem Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in St. Cloud, is holding a community-wide virtual fun run and 5K benefiting Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud.
Called “Summer in the Psalms Virtual Fun Run and 5K,” the event will be held August 1 and 2, with registrants participating virtually on either date, on their own time, and with their choice of two events. The Fun Run is a distance of 1 mile and is for walkers and runners with a $15 registration fee. The 5K is a 3.1 mile walk or run with a $25 registration fee.
The theme “Summer in the Psalms” invites participants to locate 1 of 10 psalm rocks leading up to or during the event, each printed with a different psalm text from the Book of Psalms and that have been hidden at various locations around the St. Cloud area. Registrants who locate all of the psalm rocks will be entered to win prizes donated from St. Cloud areas businesses.
“During this unique time of social distancing and isolation,
the Bethlehem Lutheran Church community wanted to create an event that helped
bring people together virtually, and while building a healthy and happy
community at the same time,” said Melanie Halter, who works at Bethlehem
Lutheran Church with youth, family and young adults. “Even though we have to be
apart, this doesn’t mean we have to stop caring for our neighbor or live life
alone. That’s why we’re so excited to create this event and to support the
services that Catholic Charities provides our Central Minnesota neighbors.”
Once participants register for the event, they’ll receive a weekly email that includes walk-and-talk devotionals from leaders within the ELCA community and beyond who share their faith stories, along with healthy tips on choosing the best apps for overall health and ways to live a more healthy and mindful life.
By partnering with Catholic Charities, 100 percent of the registration fee and any additional donations received benefit Catholic Charities, one of the largest emergency service providers in Central Minnesota. Last year, Catholic Charities provided services to 53,493 individuals, and today as we navigate the current pandemic, the community-wide support of Catholic Charities is needed more than ever.
To register and to learn more about the Summer in the Psalms Virtual Fun Run and 5K, visit the event’s webpage. Registration will be open up until the day of the event; however, participants are encouraged to register early to ensure their event T-shirt. Bethlehem Lutheran Church is also welcoming additional prizes, giveaways and sponsors. For more information, contact Melanie Halter at or 320-260-3434.
About Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in St. Cloud. The mission of Bethlehem Lutheran Church is to worship, pray, learn, give and serve. Learn more at
About Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud is a nonprofit organization that works to build communities, promote family life and enhance human dignity by providing quality services to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals and families of all faiths and beliefs. Learn more at